Click on her button to find out what I had to say about myself when she asked... or click here to see the post directly (in case you view this post after Saturday)
If you're stopping by for the first time, please feel free to grab a gluten free muffin and a cup (or glass) of tea and stay a while...
My blogging schedule looks like this:
Sunday Family Stories - most recent, fave one
MMMmonday Recipes and Menus - most recent, fave one
Post It Tuesdays
Friendly Wednesdays (Guest posts from fellow bloggers)
Thursday Grab Bag - book reviews, product reviews, contests, rants and more - Click Here to enter the current contest (open til Sunday Midnight)
Friday Friends - I've done blog hops and links but more recently I just post links to some fave blogs... Friday will also be the day I usually showcase Blog Awards if I receive them...
Saturday Grab Bag - I like to build flexibility into my week.. so this could also be a rant, a guest post from Hubby or a review and contest... Here's hubby's latest guest post to check out
Everything is subject to imbalance, so sometimes I just throw caution to the wind and blog on something completely different on a scheduled day... like yesterday's best laid plans ... derailed...
I hope you have enjoyed visiting my little slice of imbalance... I would love for you to stop by again in the future, become a follower on either Google Friends, Networked Blogs or Facebook - links to Google Friends and Networked Blogs are below :)
Thanks again to This Mama Rocks for featuring Acting Balanced today!