Sunday Family Stories - Ach Baby... (corrected)

For those of you who know my husband in real life, this will come as no surprise... he has an unusual view of the world and therefore an unusual sense of humour... but for those of you who don't, please understand that this story is all about a loving and devoted husband and father and a few of his little quirks... and our news about the new addition...

Let's set the scene for today's episode: It's the first weekend in March and I'm off for a little girl time at the Wine and Food festival.. don't really feel like drinking too much, but all the food looks SO yummy!  I'm at the tasting tent for lunch on Friday and gobbling up everything from goat cheese crostini with balsamic reductions, to buffalo sausage to shrimp and grits... and for dessert... key lime rice pudding, cookies, carrot cake, lots of yummy-ness...

I get home and feel sick as a dog, sure it's a bad shrimp or something, I throw up and head to bed for a nap... I don't feel great all week... lingering effects you know... but being pregnant doesn't even enter my mind... I had a period the week before, sure it was a little light but that happens to me now and then...

Fast forward two weeks and I'm sitting in the car telling my husband that I need to make a doctor's appointment - I think I've given myself an ulcer or worse... I've had heartburn and nausea up the wazoo... and it's getting worse, not better... He asks me "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" to which I reply "I had a period... I'm due for another next week... maybe that's why its aggravated...I'm pms'ing..."

Four days later I'm buying a pregnancy test... hoping beyond hope that I'm not dying of stomach cancer... because I've just spent the entire night before throwing up water.... and lo and behold, hubby is right again... I got a little plus sign within milliseconds...

So off to the doctor I go... with no idea how far along I am (I also had a light period in January, so I didn't know), armed with a HGC blood test that they'd ordered when I told them my story... only to be told that yep, I'm pregnant and I'm 2/3 of the way through my first trimester!  The morning sickness will be over soon (fingers crossed)... I even got a beautiful keepsake of an 8 week old gestational peanut for my scrapbook...

Telling Hubby

Boy was he not shocked... he actually gloated that he knew before I did that I was pregnant... and reminded me that we'd had a discussion after Liam was born that if we had another child he wanted "Naming Rights" ... Since we had taken so long to get pregnant with Liam ... almost 5 years ... and I knew I didn't want to be too far over 35 with my pregnancy, it seemed like our family was complete and I agreed...

Now Back to the initial warning ... My husband has this crazy notion that the world's most perfect name is Akbar... he's told friends and family off and on for years about this... and of course each family member has their own version of what a girls version would be.. Akbaria, Akbarina etc... and nicknames... Ackie, Bar, Ackiebar that it's grown a life of its own...

The good news, is hubby is not naming our peanut Akbar or Akbaria... his list of names is a little more traditional and works with Smith... that was one concession I wrung out of him... but until we have a sex, the baby's nickname, in honour of his/her daddy is Ack Baby... if you missed the picture on Friday, here it is

Now you don't think I'd end the story there do you...

Ack baby may end up with a non-traditional name after all... hubby and I have been working on a new budget for the family to take into consideration the new costs of ongoing medical care and baby 'stuff' and his latest brilliance it to give up his 'naming rights' to the highest bidder on EBay... I could end up with an Apple, Sony or Mitsubishi, a baby Microsoft or MacDonald or Google running around... I'm really hoping I can talk him out of that one...

The one thing we have decided on is not sharing Ack Baby's name until s/he is born, since we got wide ranging opinions on Liam's name and the girl choices we made at the time... and it is definitely going to be Wayne's decision this time (with maybe a little persuasion from Robyn and I)...

Stay tuned... I'm sure that I'll be adding to Ack Baby's story over the next 7 months until I deliver and I thank you for stopping by to read this edition of my Sunday Family Stories... if you want to be sure that you catch all the episodes (which may not all be Sunday Stories), please become a follower and if you want to read back stories, please click on Sunday Family Stories in the Labels section to see all of the previous stories ...

Also, don't forget to enter my contest - today is the last day to vote for my "April Fools Lie" - go here and choose A, B or D  for a chance to win a gift card!

And here I thought I was done.... but Hubby needs to chime in with his perspective in case you don't get through to his comments below:

Sunday Family Stories - Retold from Another Perspective

My wife is a wonderful lady but even after nearly 12 years of marriage she still does not get me which is okay because I barely get me.  Today however, she got it more wrong than usual.  I always liked the name Akbar because it means greatness (though in the interest of honesty my original term of reference does come from Star Wars - though I was five or six at the time).  When I noticed about three weeks ago that something was not in the ordinary, being the observant person I am watched all the signs, put the clues together and lo and behold Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was right, when you eliminate all of the other possibilities the truth remains.    Therefore I thought of the Achtung Baby which was the U2 album that featured the song 'One.'  Achtung is the German word for attention.  So with my sense of humour I decided it was prudent to combine Akbar with Achtung to create Ach-Baby which Heather misinterpreted as solely Akbar derivative.  In my mind however, the sentiment given Achbaby's later discovery is 'Attention Great Baby.'