Five Question Friday

1. Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself?
On necessities no, on wants - yes... and I can't decide if hair cuts are wants or necessities ... so I didn't get one for two years, finally succumbed in the summer and am now having the 'maintain the cute cut or grow it out again debate... anyone want to decide for me?




2. How well do you know your neighbors?

Some of them very well, others not so much... we have a good home owners association but not everyone participates

3. What age are you looking forward to being?

I'm looking forward to 60... but that's the cheapskate in me who wants seniors day discounts

4. Do you get excited when the mail comes? 
Sometimes - especially since I've started blogging... I love getting new products to test and things I've ordered online in the mail... bills not so much

Why? Again, it's the inveterate thrifty person in me - stuff like rebates, coupons and freebies make me happy :) 

5. What is your earliest childhood memory? I don't know if it's the earliest, but one of my most vivid is of the trip that my six year old self took with my family from Toronto to Saskatchewan - you can read about it starting here