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Not a lot to say today ... had a great doctor's appointment but no relief on the heart burn/ reflux... back in two weeks for my first cervix check - can't believe we're only about 6 weeks away!!!
I have a wonderful friend who is throwing me a baby shower next week! Looking so forward to it!
My parents were here for 10 days - it was great! I miss them already - Liam was super clingy and needy this afternoon so no rest for the wicked mommy...
Robyn got great news - she did so well on her PASS test (end of year exams in SC) that she's eligible to take the SAT and ACT tests as a SEVENTH GRADER!
A Hop with a question:

When you write reviews, do you write them as you are reading or wait until you have read the entire book?
I usually wait until I've read the entire book, although I may start it if I'm inspired by a specific quote or thought, particularly when it's a non-fiction book or short stories.
I'm also hopping around to: