I learned with my last pregnancy that there is a large portion of the population that forget that there are both manners and personal space when they find out you're pregnant... especially when you are far enough along to be waddling... and some of the worst things come out of their mouths... it's like my belly is a beacon for foot in mouth syndrome...
I appreciate their support as much as the next person, but please... mind the list... especially if I don't know you from Adam...
10. It's natural to be curious about what I'm having, but don't sigh and be disappointed when I tell you that I'm having a boy ... I can't change the gender of my child, I don't want to... and I AM HAPPY!
9. Follow up to 10 - don't ask if I wish it was a girl, I just want a healthy baby... again, referencing number ten - even if I wasn't pleased about the gender of my child, it's a little late to be worrying at this stage...
8. Press for a name, it's ok to ask if he will have one, all babies are named, eventually, but when I tell you that we're not sharing it, please let it drop... don't whine... it's not becoming ... and besides - even E's own grandparents don't know the name we've chosen for him... so why would we tell you, a stranger, first?
7. Don't ask about my due date and then act shocked when I tell you it's still a month away... yes, I know that I look big, this little guy likes his real estate... and since I was showing at barely 8 weeks, I figure it's par for the course that he's measuring two weeks ahead right now...
6. Follow up to 7 - Don't remark on my weight gain, even though I look big... gaining weight is normal in pregnancy and yes, I started out plus sized to begin with, but by eating healthy and watching myself, I have only gained about 15 lbs so far... which my doctor and I agree is NORMAL - so telling me that it looks like I've gained 50 ... not a good thing people...
5. Additonal follow up... once I've said "HE'S due in 5 weeks" don't follow up with "Are you sure you're not having twins?" Trust me on this... I am very sure (based on multiple ultrasounds and my own doctor that I am carrying one real estate obsessed child...
4. Don't make fun of my waddle... it's normal for pregnant women, especially in their last trimester to have some balance displacement issues... and walk a little slower and with a strange gait... our center of gravity has shifted significantly and we want to be comfortable... It will get worse before it gets better people... he's dropping daily and will eventually be engaged and pressing on my pelvis waiting to meet the world.. you try having something with a minimum 12 inch circumference pressing down on your pelvis, bladder and other organs...
3. Don't ask me if I'm in labor because I'm touching my belly... E kicks, wiggles, hiccups and performs complex mathematical equations in my body... and I like to connect with him... so I rub my tummy
2. Don't treat me like I'm an invalid... I know my limitations thank you... I know when my body is telling me not to pick up the 35 pound 4 year old, but sometimes I have to make the choice between carrying him and chasing him.. and at least if I'm carrying him I get some control of the situation... if he's running away or getting himself into a dangerous situation, it's unlikely that I'll be much good... so occasionally I pick him up... it saves wear and tear in the long run - and I am careful! So, berating me for doing it - not so smart...
1. Do not rub my belly without permission!!!! It's still my body and my skin... and besides, who says you - a not so well known person to me will be able to get that close to my new child once he's born... HANDS OFF PEOPLE!
Do you have any pregnancy related pet peeves about dealing with the world at large? Have I missed something? Add your two cents in the comments section...
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