BPC Review and Giveaway - Tag*a*longs

Every once in a while you come across a product so simple and effective that you think, I should have thought of that... my aha moment came when I was researching companies for giveaways and reviews for the Baby and Pregnancy Celebration and it lead me to Naptime Industries and their first product - the Tag*a*long...

The Tag*a*long is a simple plastic strap (lead and BPA free) that fits onto most strollers, carts and wagons and provides a dedicated handle for little ones!   The strap requires no tools to install and can easily be moved from stroller to shopping cart and back!

My review is really short and sweet - just like the product...

I quite literally was able to take it out of the package and install it within a few minutes - unfolding the stroller took longer than actually attaching the Tag*a*long.  Liam liked being a 'big boy' and holding the strap when we took the stroller for a test drive.  It also allows him to have a place to hold that doesn't interfere with the operation of the stroller or cart.  It's his place too, so he takes ownership of holding the Tag*a*long.

How do you get one?

You can order directly from the Tag*a*Longs website or check out their worldwide distribution network on the same page... 

Or you can WIN one from Tag*a*Longs and Acting Balanced!!!
Giveaway closes at 11:59pm on November 1st and a winner will be chosen by random.org

Mandatory Entry:
Visit Tag*a*long and tell me what color you'd like.
(must be completed before any other entries count)

Bonus Entries (leave separate comment for each)

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#Win a Tag*a*long from Acting Balanced @chascouponmom http://bit.ly/c7mPmW #giveaway ends 11/01