The Girl in The Truth Made Me Do It!
My books have taken so many strange curves. Let's look, for
example, at the evolution of The
(I'm a girl,
I'm smart and I know everything), the first book in The
Truth Series. You may not realize that this book is actually a
version of a totally different manuscript. The original title of the
first manuscript was You
Don't Have To Be A Princess to Have an Enchanted Self!
What was this version? It was a dialogue between a woman and the girl
within herself, as they both explored the Seven Gateways to Enchantment. (You
can obtain a paper on these Gateways by going to In the
manuscript I teach what each Gateway is and then both the adult woman and
the girl inside of herself, talk about that Gateway. For example, there
is the Gateway of Self-Esteem. The girl sees feeling good
about herself from a very naive viewpoint that gets right to the
essence of knowing her own talents, strengths and potential.
The woman is awakened again to her grown-up potential by listening to the
wisdom of a child.
The core notion of this manuscript was that as women we too
quickly forget, with all the pressures and strains of life, our own unique
gifts, talents, and potential. We also forget how to relax, have fun,
laugh, enjoy the moment, and take delight in the small stuff.
However, the girl inside of us never forgets. If we only give her a
chance and let her talk to us, we have a chance to take all of the best
parts of ourselves back and to have fun in the process.
What gave me the energy to write this
manuscript? Twenty-five years of being a therapist and many more
years of being a woman! I have seen the pain and felt the pain of
women losing the best parts of themselves and forgetting how to get back to the
best of themselves. I've seen too many women depressed or at least
experiencing some malaise because they didn't know the road back to their
own laughter, pep, and energy.
Does this sound like the energy and wisdom I would need to write The Truth (I'm a girl, I'm smart and I
know everything)? Actually, it was the energy and wisdom
I needed. After many futile efforts to get my Princess book published, I
finally had to put the manuscript away. But I couldn't put the message
The energy was still there and what happened was one of those
miracles that keep writers going late into the night. The girl just
wouldn't go away. She wanted me to keep writing so she could talk.
She seemed to be insisting that she could find a path that I wasn't seeing that
would help women and girls feel good about themselves and stay committed to the
'truth' of Being True to Oneself.
And so, long story short-and I am leaving a lot out-she simply
made me write her diary and that was the simplest and most direct way I have
found yet to help us girls of all ages, from 10 to 95, get back in touch with
the special person that each of us really is! The girl knew how to get
the message out!
About the Author:
Barbara Becker Holstein, nationally know Positive Psychologist, is the creator
of The Enchanted Self,® a systematic way of helping to bring more joy, meaning,
and purpose into our lives.
Holstein has been a school psychologist for more than 25 years. She has taught
elementary school children and was an assistant professor in education in at
Boston University.
She has
been in private practice as a psychologist with her husband, Dr. Russell M.
Holstein, in Long Branch, New Jersey, for over 25 years.
Dr. Holstein on the web at and
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