1. What is your favorite kind of pie?
Ooh, I have to pick one - top 3, depending on my mood - Rhubarb, Cherry & Peach
2. Have you ever ran out of gas in the car you were driving?
Yes, but it wasn't my fault - the gas tank got nicked and despite having just filled up the day before, I ran out of gas...
3. How many languages do you speak?
One fluently, a second well enough to get in trouble, but I can count to ten in 12 languages - does that count?
4. Do you take daily vitamins?
Not normally, but right now I'm on a pre-natal vitamin which I am to keep taking until I stop breast feeding...
5. What is your worst eating habit?
Overeating... I probably should have better control over my portion sizes...
So have you answered these questions too? Even if you're not playing along, feel free to leave a comment here and answer one or more of the questions so that I can get to know you better!