Synopsis: Based on the popular book series, Guardians of Ga'Hoole by Kathryn Lasky, the epic tale of courage and friendship centers around a young Barn Owl who learns about a legend of a mythic band of winged warriors who fought a great battle to save all of owlkind from the evil, and dreams of one day joining these heroes.
My family's review: This was an action packed movie with fabulous animation! There was something for everyone from my twelve year old daughter to my sixty-something in-laws. The storyline, based on battles between various owls, did have some violence that would caution me away from recommending this for very young viewers like my 4 year old son, but there were good messages and I would compare it in ways to the Narnia movies in terms of level of violence. The book series is recommended for grades 4-8 and I have to concur that I would recommend the movie for kids 9 and over. The storyline was pretty typical of this genre - questing type movies - where a legendary group of owls is sought to help battle evil owls and the main protagonist, who has grown up hearing legends and stories of the guardians becomes part of the solution to the problem, there weren't a lot of surprises, but the animation kept me riveted. If you're looking for a good rainy day movie for older children, this may be a good choice for you.
Released for home viewing on December 21st, 2010 it's Available on Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD, On Demand and for Download.
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