1. If you had $1,000 to donate to a charity, which would you choose?
2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in your butt?
3. What talent did you wish you had and why?
4. Are you a news, politics or celebrity gossip junkie?
5. What is your favorite "cocktail"? (Are you a beer person, a kiddie cocktail junkie, or perhaps your more the "Cosmo" kind?! Anything flies...doesn't hafta be alcoholic!)
My answers:
1. If you had $1,000 to donate to a charity, which would you choose?
What a tough question... I'd probably share the wealth...
Autism research/Autism support charities - no brainer there...
Cancer Society - my uncle just past away from colon cancer and my sister in law died from it several years ago...
Heart & Stroke foundation - especially since my mother-in-law's heart attack, this one has been on my mind
Alzheimer Society - my grandfather has Alzheimer's and it's not a fun disease.
My children's schools
(Can I have a $1,000,000 to giveaway?)
2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in your butt?
Yep... I welcome them, but they are also a pain in the butt...
3. What talent did you wish you had and why?
I wish I could invent things... cause it would be so cool!
4. Are you a news, politics or celebrity gossip junkie?
Not really any of the three... especially since giving up tv, I read the papers, but tend to skim rather than delve into the news
5. What is your favorite "cocktail"? (Are you a beer person, a kiddie cocktail junkie, or perhaps your more the "Cosmo" kind?! Anything flies...doesn't hafta be alcoholic!)
Diet coke with lime...
Now wasn't that fun? Why don't you play along?