Meet Me on Monday

Every week I give you the opportunity to learn more about me as I participate in Meet Me on Monday hosted by Java at Never Growing Old...
Click on the button to check out her answers and the linky of all the other blogs that participate:


1.  What is your favorite kind of fudge?
2.  Is there snow outside your window?
3.  What is your favorite meal of the day?
4.  Do you text on your cell phone?
5.  Waffles or pancakes?

My Answers: 

1.  What is your favorite kind of fudge?

Being allergic to chocolate rules out a whole class of fudge, so I love some of the less traditional flavors - butter pecan and apple pie flavored fudge are my two current faves...

2.  Is there snow outside your window?

Nope, it's very rare that we get any snow in Charleston...

3.  What is your favorite meal of the day?


4.  Do you text on your cell phone?

Occasionally - believe it or not, the person I text with most is my son's preschool teacher... but that's still pretty rare...

5.  Waffles or pancakes?

At home, pancakes... out in restaurants, waffles---------------------------------------------------------------