Maria T· 1 week ago
following rachael herron on twitter
You are the second lucky winner of a book!
Please fill out this form or the one in the email you've recieved... The clock is ticking - 48 hours until a forfeit is called and a new winner is chosen!
Today there are three bonus entries possible - the first is "Little Red Corvette" They've been playing a ton of Prince on my radio station because he's actually coming here to Charleston to perform at the end of the month...
And, if you would be so kind as to click on this link and say that you like me, really like me... I'll be forever grateful and let you have another bonus entry... and even if you don't want the bonus entry, please vote!!!
I'm only a few votes shy of being in the top five!!! YOU CAN VOTE ONCE PER DAY!
The third entry is if you tweet out:
Vote for Acting Balanced as a Top 25 Product Review blog - Circle of Mums via @circleofmoms @chascouponmom