If your child is a visual learner like Liam is, sign is the perfect thing to incorporate as part of his everyday speech, so long as teachers, parents and caregivers are all on board. One of the things that Louise stresses in her video is that children may not make a sign perfectly, but will get it eventually if you model the correct sign when you use it - which makes sense! I find that Liam pays more attention and watches me more closely if I am signing as well as speaking.
Some of the things that I like about Louise's DVD are that you see a variety of children and adults interacting and demonstrating the signs and that it's bilingual - with instruction in Spanish as well as English!
I am able to giveaway one copy of Baby, Toddler, and Preschool Sign Language
Giveaway is open to Canadian and US Residents only
Mandatory Entry must be completed before other entries count.
Each entry must be made as a SEPARATE COMMENT
Giveaway will end on May 7th, 2011 at 11:59 PM and
the winner will be chosen by Random.org, announced on Acting Balanced
and contacted by email.
The winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize.
Mandatory Entry:
Visit the http://www.SigningFamilies.com and tell me something you've learned.
Bonus Entries:
+2 Bonus Entry - Follow Louise Sattler on Twitter (leave twitter name)
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"#WIN a Signing Families DVD from @LouiseASL and @chascouponmom at Acting Balanced http://bit.ly/fiu7FE #giveaway ends 5/7 "