A heartwarming story, grandmother Miriam Smith and her daughter Afton Fraser wanted to create a book that would aid Afton's son Griffin, who is on the spectrum. It's ingeniously simple, the photographs are clear and compelling, and it comes with a soft pointer, implementing the motor tasks of holding and pointing.
Point to thirsty. Point to hug. Give me a hug.
Most children on the autism spectrum, or those with other special needs, learn best through pictures. A fan of the book (who happens to have a niece with autism) wrote to us: "He was so excited when he got the book. He saw the pointer and he clapped his hands and said 'Open, please, open' over and over until I was able to get the tape off. It's really empowering for him to know the answers to most of the prompts in the book and to be able to use the pointer effectively."
POINT TO HAPPY is the perfect tool for any family, educator, or individual with a child who learns best visually.
My Review:
Although Liam is getting better about using his finger to point, it's a skill that has been a long time in coming, so having the pointer to help him follow along in the book is great! I especially like that the pointer is attached to the book so it won't get lost or used in a nefarious way!
The book itself is great! Real pictures of children and objects make it perfect for reinforcing visual clues to what is going on in the world and identifying everything from foods to feelings. The book helps children label the world around them
I have to say though, that although this book is for children on the spectrum, I can see it being picked up by parents of neuro-typical toddlers and preschoolers, because even my 5 month old enjoys looking at the pictures and I'm sure will work up to pointing as he grows up!
This book is available through Workman Publishing's website and is also available on Amazon
and BN.com
or you can win your very own copy here at Acting Balanced!
Giveaway is open to Residents of CANADA and the US only
Mandatory Entry must be completed before other entries count.
Each entry must be made as a SEPARATE COMMENT
Giveaway will end on April 30th, 2011 at 11:59 PM and
the winner will be chosen by Random.org, announced on Acting Balanced
and contacted by email.
The winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize.
Mandatory entry:
Visit Workman Publishing's Point to Happy page and tell me something you've learned.
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"#WIN Point to Happy #Autism book from @chascouponmom at Acting Balanced http://bit.ly/e0OO0D #giveaway ends 4/30 "