The book is divided into four sections - Clean It, Wash It, Cook it and Fix it and each section contains everything from step by step hints for novices to advanced advice for things like this letter that was included in the book:
Dear Home-Ec 101,Her response begins: "Oh, dear. Clearly, your day has been crappier than mine." and goes on to give suggestions on how to treat the carpet immediately and what follow up measures to take.What is the best way to clean diarrhea off of carpet? I’ll spare you the exact details, but let’s just say it’s pretty heinous.Signed, Poopy in Peewauket
This book would make a perfect gift for someone who is moving out on their own for the first time, but would also be a great addition to every home because it contains great information!
You can purchase Home-Ec 101 from
Disclaimer: I received a digital copy of the book for the purpose of completing my review as part of the One2OneNetwork. All opinions are my own.