Yep, you read that right - a whole month dedicated to Moms ... cause we deserve more than just a day - if you want to guest post about your mom, about being a mom or about mothers in general, there is still space :-) just leave a comment here or shoot me an email!
My father-in-law was a great sport last night - he took three teenage girls out to dinner for my daughter's upcoming birthday and their party got seated next to another group of 8 teens, so he was surrounded by giggly girls... he came home and played with Liam for a break.
I am so close to a few milestones on my social networking and blog stats... I am only 18 twitter followers shy of 2000 - if you want to exchange twitter follows, let me know - my twitter name is @chascouponmom. I am also so close to 2900 Google Friends ... just three little friends short - I'll be doing another follower giveaway once I reach 3000!
My Autism Awareness month wraps up soon, but there are still some great guest posts and giveaways to come!
Completely random... if I had actually won all the money that the emails in my spam filter say I won today, I'd be a trillionaire... too bad I don't even play the lottery in this country... let alone anywhere else.
Did you know that the plural of Granita is granite? I'll stick to calling them Italian Ices... but so yummy!
Well, Erik is back to sleep so that's where I'm headed now - thanks for fragging with me today and since I know you haven't been fragged nearly enough, click on Mrs. 4444's button below to see what other fragments are in store: