What fragments of my life are keeping me from blogging?
I went a little off track last week with my parents in tow and fell right into the proverbial rabbit hole when Blogger went down for almost 24 hours... and then this week Erik has learned to pull up and couch surf... so I've had to step up the baby-proofing of the house...
I haven't been sleeping well either... a combination of the kids being up and me just not sleeping...
We had some excitement the other day - Robyn, my tomboy, never wear a dress without protest girl has entered a beauty/talent pagent at the middle school... and we went out to buy a dress... well she ended up with one that is way over the top... full on ball gown... so it should be interesting... the event is next Friday, so I'll keep you in the loop ;)
Liam had a roller coaster week - some sleep issues, some food issues and finally yesterday it all caught up with him and after a spectacular tantrum he fell asleep and slept for almost 13 hours straight.. and woke up as a whole new kid... so hopefully today is a great day!
Wayne is still incredibly busy at work... teaching a 16 week course in 2.5 weeks is very challenging and tiring... so I'll be glad when it's over and he can rest for a bit...
Now that my parents have left, I have just a few weeks to get everything together so that we can head up to invade their turf... we'll be traveling just after the kids get out of school...
Speaking of which, I can't believe that the school year has gone by so fast... I blinked and it's over...
Anyway, I'm rambling so I'll save the rest of my fragments for later and wish you all a happy weekend and suggest that you check out my fellow fraggers at: