The unique life story of one of the most talented and inventive comedians, star of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Star Trek.
Zombies in North London, death cults in the West Country, the engineering deck of the Enterprise: actor, comedian, writer and self-proclaimed supergeek Simon Pegg has been ploughing some bizarre furrows in recent times. Having landed on the U.S. movie scene in the surprise cult hit Shaun of the Dead, his enduring appeal and rise to movie star with a dedicated following has been mercurial, meteoric, megatronic, but mostly just plain great.
From his childhood (and subsequently adult) obsession with science fiction, his enduring friendship with Nick Frost, and his forays into stand-up comedy which began with his regular Monday morning slot in front of his twelve-year-old classmates, Simon has always had a severe and dangerous case of the funnies.
Whether recounting his experience working as a lifeguard at the city pool, going to Comic-Con for the first time and confessing to Carrie Fisher that he used to kiss her picture every night before he went to sleep, or meeting and working with heroes that include Peter Jackson, Kevin Smith, and Quentin Tarantino, Pegg offers a hilarious look at the journey to becoming an international superstar, dotted with a cast of memorable characters, and you’re rooting for him all the way.
My Review:
This was a fresh and fun take on an autobiography. Simon Pegg doesn't hold back and shares the good, the bad and the funny with his readers. Not only does he break out his childhood reminisces, he also interspersed another book entirely between the chapters - a look at dashing superhero and his robotic butler - conveniently also named Simon Pegg.
This book reads like a true geek guide - if you were a comics, horror or sci-fi nerd in the 80's you will find yourself nodding throughout the book and seeing a better, funnier you staring back from several of the anecdotes.
As someone who usually reads historical biographies of dead queens, this book was definitely refreshing, fun and memorable and if you're looking for a fun read that will have you laughing and wanting to re-watch all of Simon Pegg's movies with new eyes, than this is the book for you!

Simon Pegg is an actor, comedian, screenwriter, producer, and author. Best known for his roles in Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Spaced, he also played young Scotty in Star Trek. Simon lives in London with his wife and daughter. This is his first book.
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