It's been strange, because we've split our family and our time in two on this trip... because neither of our parents homes are really equipped for an extra five people, I've been staying with my mom and have Erik with me.. and Wayne, Robyn and Liam have been staying at my in-laws house... it's not like we're not getting together every day, but it is weird not to have everyone together at night and to coordinate our morning schedules by email, skype or phonecall..
We had a great trip to Ottawa, visited with my grandparents over two days, and got a chance to hang out with Wayne's cousins - something we haven't done in years... it was really nice having a chance to chat with them. I'm trying to convince them to come down to Charleston for one of our runs... since the whole family are runners... and Charleston has some great 10K, half marathons and assorted other races...
Our next adventure is to head to London, Ontario on Sunday for a few days... Wayne has a conference and the kids and I will get to do some sightseeing...
I am really hoping to get a 'date night' with Wayne before he leaves... he heads back on June 29th... but I don't know if the babysitting logistics will work out...
I am once again this year collecting some fun and yummy Canadian treats to share with my US blog readers - if you have any suggestions for things to include in this year's giveaway pack, please let me know soon... the giveaway will go live on Canada Day (July 1st)
I also have to send an apology to MamaBuzz - I completely missed a review for them... it will be up live first thing tomorrow - with a giveaway ... the tour is great timing, since I am seriously considering "Moving From Blogger to Wordpress" in the fall... when I get done with vacation... so watch for my review.
Well, I've probably got more frags running around in my brain, but they're sleeping now - or at least the neurons and synapses that are required to catch them are sleeping... so I'll say happy Friday to all and to all a good night...
If my frags aren't enough for you - check out all the other wonderful fragmented minds who hook up at