Friday Fragments

Today is Erik's nine month birthday, so most of my frags are about him...

As I told some of my facebook friends, he's already walking... my last baby and he really doesn't want to be a baby any more...

He also had another first - he stole his brother's chocolate chip cookie...

I think he liked it...

Erik also had his 9 month check up yesterday... he's still top of the charts - 23.5 lbs and 33 inches long and he's meeting or exceeding all of his current goals... which means we're in the clear until his 12 month visit...

Still no teeth for my little guy - but since his brother was over 10 months old before he got chompers, it seems to be a usual thing...

I guess the next thing is to start planning his first birthday party :)

On another note, Liam is talking a lot more and we're counting down the days until he goes back to school - or at least I am... he's got some changes coming - new teacher, new classroom and he's going to get to ride the school bus!

Robyn is also heading back to school soon... not sure she's ready to see mornings, but it will happen soon enough...

Those are all my frags this week because the little guy is up and demanding attention!  I'm sure you can find some other great ones by checking everyone else out by clicking on this link or the button below:

Mommy's Idea