I'm counting down the days until we get into a set routine in the mornings... so far Robyn is almost there with her school routine and as of next Thursday, Liam will be good to go on his new school routines... but for now, CHAOS reigns...
The school bus failed to stop to pick my daughter up this morning and when the principal talked to the driver she said that she didn't know if my daughter - who was standing at the roadside at the designated location with her dad - wanted to be picked up... in truth, she probably didn't want to go to school, per say, but since I drove her in anyway it would have been nice for the driver to stop and check with her... hopefully tomorrow goes better...
If you know a Media Specialist in Charleston County (or who wants to move here) and who wants a job at a fabulous middle school, have them email me or call Haut Gap Middle School... ours had to leave unexpectedly and since I volunteer in the library, I'd like to have someone to volunteer for...
Liam gets to meet his new teacher tomorrow morning for a quick meet and greet... hopefully they will get on like a house on fire! He'll go for his first full day on Tuesday with half of his classmates, then spend Wednesday surfing at Folly Beach with Surfer's Healing... more on that later...
Netflix is driving me crazy... I can sit down and watch complete seasons of shows, but then I have to be patient til the next season comes out on streaming or DVD... it almost makes me want to try and budget for cable... but we won't... so I'll just have to be patient...
I am also addicted to sourcing out free books for my new kindle... I'm constantly surfing amazon.com and smashbook.com for freebies... and they're great reads too... I love my new kindle...
I do not like the US/Canada border customs agent who kept my review copy of a book, that I should have received in early June at my parents house while I was on vacay, for 2 MONTHS! It was delivered to their house TODAY, after being mailed in early JUNE!
I'm dreading the one must do item that's on my list for this weekend - get Liam a haircut... it's such a painful process for both of us... he hates anything around his face and he stresses so much that it breaks my heart, but his hair is getting beyond shaggy and is starting to look disreputable, so we're off to Bangs and Bows, where they'll do a great job, no matter how hard he screams...
Erik's latest trick is eating paper... so books, magazines and everything else is getting moved higher up in the house until this phase passes...
Well, I'm sleepy and all fragged out... but the others aren't I'll bet.. so click on the link below and check out all the other fabulous Friday Fraggers!