1. What is your favorite Christmas cookie?
Hmm... If I said all of them I wouldn't be lying... but I have to say that pfeffernusse are really high on my list. I am actually doing 25 Days worth of cookie posts here on Acting Balanced... and there's a linky attached so you can add your favorite recipe too!
Hmm... If I said all of them I wouldn't be lying... but I have to say that pfeffernusse are really high on my list. I am actually doing 25 Days worth of cookie posts here on Acting Balanced... and there's a linky attached so you can add your favorite recipe too!
2. What's your favorite holiday movie & why?
The Grinch that Stole Christmas- the original Dr Seuss version... it's always been there... I watch it every year :) My second favorite was a Christmas Eve tradition - the Allister Simms version of A Christmas Carol - we watched it after we got home from my Oma's to wind down before heading to bed and waiting for Santa.
3. Is there a gift that you bought for your kids that you wish you hadnt after they opened it?
Occasionally I put away a few of them that have really repetitive noise... you know the ones that say the same phrase over and over again... but I can't say I have regrets, because the kids love them.
4. What is the messiest room in your house right at this moment?
My Dining Room - it's piled with review stuff and a whole pile of stuff that needs to go to Goodwill...
1000 miles - that's how far it is to go home these days...