1. Where do you hide the reeeally good snacks?
At the grocery store... I am really trying to eat better so I try not to buy snacks...
2. Do u keep your vehicle clean or am I the only one who has things falling out of their van?
My car looks like a bomb hit it and I'm okay with that...
3. Have you ever been to Vegas?
No4. Warm room light blankets or cold room warm snuggly blanket?
I'm a warm room kinda gal, but hubby is a cold room guy so I just pile on the blankets and (occasionally, lol) put my cold feet on him.
I've been stranded while flying on my own with 2 kids twice! Luckily I am the consumate over packer... but the first time it happened, we arrived home with one diaper to spare and had to have the co-pilot get off the plane at our emergency stop to sterilize a bottle...
Hook up and play, or just comment below with your answer to one or more of these questions!
Tami · 685 weeks ago
Your blog has changed alot. I LOVE it. You are doing so well, I am impressed. If only my blog can grow as big as yours now. :) Will try.
xo Tami