Well we've figured out sleep on one front, but are still battling it on another... We've seen very good results with adding a small amount of Melatonin to Liam's last drink of the evening. It has helped him calm down and get to sleep in a much better way and he's staying asleep for at least 10 hours!
Erik, on the other hand is back to his old tricks and wants to be a party all night baby. Last night he was awake at 11:30, 1am and then from 2am - 4:30am... that's hard on mommy and daddy, really hard...
Robyn is officially pre-registered for Academic Magnet - form and money are in... now we just have to wait until March so that we can go in to select her HIGH SCHOOL classes... goodness, just thinking that is making me feel old...
The other thing that makes me feel old is that I was having a conversation with Robyn on our way to pick Wayne up from work... it went like this:
R: You know G--- has been really happy I told her about BVB - she keeps talking about it at school.
Me: What's BVB?
R: Oh, yeah, it's a music group Black Veil Brides - you've never heard of them because it's something teenagers like...
Yep, old... but not so old that I can't Youtube with the best of them...
hmmm... me thinks they watched a few KISS videos from the 70s for makeup inspiration...
Speaking of teenage girl conversations... I have to share this one between Wayne and Robyn:
R: E and I are going to the mall on Sunday to spend our Christmas money
W: Are you meeting up with boys?
R: No - we're going SHOPPING, not to the mall to eat and hang out... Aunt Heather understands the difference... you don't take BOYS shopping!
It's finally supposed to get cool this weekend... we've had t-shirt weather all week again... and it feels strange not to have put my flip-flops away yet... not that I'm complaining - I'm completely anti-sock and the longer I can be sock free, the better... but it does put me in mind of the fact that we seem to be experiencing a warmer than average winter...
Oh well, I'll enjoy as long as I can and keep taking cute pics of the kids at the park:
Well just pulling all those frags out of my brain has made me sleep, so I'm off to bed... if you are more energetic than me, hop on over to see what other fabulous frags there are at: