The melatonin seems to be helping Liam sleep better - I wish there was something like that to keep Erik asleep... alas there isn't ... so I keep hoping he'll have good nights.
Robyn finished her marathon in grand style, running the final 1.2 miles in just over 8 minutes... you can check out some of the pictures Wayne snapped that day by visiting this page of his blog.
I took a leap into the 21st century this week... I ordered new business cards - with a QR code on the back!
and here's the front:
Making the QR code was really easy too... just head to, type in your website and presto - you've entered the new millennium! If you haven't encountered QR codes - they are a hot trend with people who have smart phones or ipads - you scan the code and up pops the webpage or whatever has been encrypted into the code. More instant gratification!
And now for today's rant... I don't have TV so I've been spared more of this than most of you have... but OMG I am so ready for the Republican primary to be over... The attack ads are atrocious and honestly I'm not looking forward to the next round of mudslinging either... the worst part is... nothing will change ... but the campaign bills will live forever... I wonder how many kids could go to college, how many elementary school teachers could be hired, how many sick children could have health care... if they stopped paying for and running smear campaigns...
Well I'm off to bed, but I'll be around to visit my fellow fraggers tomorrow - and I'll find them all at: