Friday Fragments

Wow it's Friday for like the third time this week... or is it still Wednesday?  That's what I get for going away with the family leaving on Saturday and coming home Monday... it just makes everything feel strange...

I lost a complete hour of my life today that I'll never get back... I had to go to a meeting this morning about Liam's IEP - his teacher and Autism Itinerant want to increase his service time... I thought the meeting would involve how we were going to do that and when the services would start... NOPE... this meeting was to inform me that they want to conduct additional observations to see if the evidence supports the evidence already given by the teacher and the therapists... 40 signatures later... I have to go to another meeting in 4 weeks to see if they conclude the same thing... again...  I totally understand procedures and handholding... but my gosh was this a complete waste of everyone's time - and it took my child's teacher and therapist away from my child for that hour on top of the stupidity...

Speaking of Liam and Autism... I am already in the throes of planning another spectacular Autism Awareness month event for Acting Balanced... I'm looking for products to review and host giveaways for, guest posts from anyone who has been touched by Autism, Aspergers or PDD NOS and feedback from you about what you'd most like to know about Autism.

I got picked to host a Pull Ups Potty Dance Party!  If you're in the Charleston area and have a little one who is potty training or going to be potty training soon... let me know and I'll shoot you an invite!

Also for my Charleston (and other South-Eastern US) Peeps - I have THREE PUBLIX Card giveaways coming up - one is live now and the next one goes live next Thursday!  You can score great coupons and could win the $25 GC too!

Wayne gave me a lovely shout out in his Fragments last week ... and I'd love for you to visit his blog if you haven't already checked it out... he's got some fun posts over there and some really interesting ones... so you should totally check out Touristic

Robyn was a huge help on our trip this weekend!  She babysat the boys for an hour and a bit while Wayne and I went down to dinner for his conference - it was so nice to have a little grown up time...

I am closing in on having enough money to buy my new laptop... I want one with a keyboard that my kids won't be able to pop the keys off... and that won't die on me tomorrow... any suggestions?

If you're a new fragger visiting and haven't had a chance to look around Acting Balanced, I invite you to grab a cup of tea or coffee and put your feet up while you surf around... and a great way to get involved in AB is to become part of Thirsty for Comments!

Well, the house is quiet but I still have lunches to make for tomorrow and laundry to fold, so I'll leave my frags there for this week... hope you can pop around and visit my fellow bloggers who hook up at:

Mommy's Idea