Sending International Delight #IcedCoffee Goodness to a Friend... What could be better #CBias
You may remember a few weeks ago that I shared how much Robyn and I liked the International Delight Iced Coffee flavors that we were sent to try through Collective Bias (You can read about it all here). Well, just this week, I was able to send that one of my fellow Collective Bias shoppers a little New Year treat.
I have a ton of blog friends who are Collective Bias members, but when I was asked to pick one who would get this fun package delivered by UPS, my first thought was my friend Ellen who blogs at Confesssions of an Overworked Mom

I honestly can't remember how I 'met' Ellen, probably through one of the many blog hops I regularly participated in when I first started growing my blog, but I remember that she was one of the first people to be kind enough to share contacts and suggestions with a pretty wet behind the ears blogger when I asked for help and although I can't repay the kindness, I could send her some yummy coffee to try - and the best part is she doesn't even have to review it... just enjoy!
Ellen began blogging in 2008 in an effort to share her family's attempts at living a more eco-friendly life in rural Vermont. Her journey has included learning about solar cooking, gardening, raising ducks and chickens, wild crafting and a variety of other topics. Her blog is definitely a reflection of her knowledge and is a great example of how to grow a great blog!
I know from regularly reading her blog that Ellen is a busy, on the go mom who will appreciate the ease that comes from the new International Delight Iced Coffee - just shake and pour over ice and you have a marvelously refreshing drink. I also know from reading her blog that she's a coffee drinker - she loves to try new types of coffee and she often reviews coffee on her blog, so I knew that this would be a surprise that she'd appreciate! I also know that she has teen-aged kids and Robyn went for the iced coffee in a big way, so Ellen may be able to share her largess with her kids... or not...
I often participate in Secret Santa events and gift exchanges with fellow bloggers and other online friends, but I rarely get the opportunity to send an online friend a gift out of the blue, so when Collective Bias chose me for this shop, I was so excited! I love being able to do little things for friends - whether it's to take a plate of homemade cookies to a neighbor or help out a friend by loaning them something they need, it feels really good to be able to share this way.
I really appreciate that this shoppertunity let me share across the miles and send Ellen and her family a little care package of yummy International Delight Iced Coffee goodness... now I'm waiting to hear whether she's found a favorite among them...
Did Ellen like her iced coffee treat? You can see her reaction by clicking here!
Now if I can just hold on for a few more days - International Delight Iced Coffee will be making it's debut at Walmart on January 15th and I plan to be in line to buy more so that I can have a Moms Club Play date and share my new find with more friends! You will also be able to find it at Sam's Club!
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. All opinions are my own.