I'd go into tons of details but I've decided to switch up my frags this week... less personal, more fragmented...
I have to be completely honest - I was never a big Whitney Houston fan and now that the local radio stations are playing her stuff every hour on the hour all week, I'm totally over it. I feel bad that anyone loses their life at such a young age, may she R.I.P. but I am over the music already.
I'm still in love with my old school kindle, but I've also been playing with my sister's new Kindle Fire... and I think I want one... but not until after I've figured out how to get a new laptop, bought a plane ticket to go with Wayne to Europe next fall and paid off some other bills... unless I win one...
But speaking of Kindles.. you know that Amazon.com
I've got more than ten guest posters lined up for Autism Awareness month - and some cool giveaways but I can use some more... and I'm also open to having you guest post on any AB related topic if you're interested in guest blogging for me - anytime!
In other blog news - I'm now a Google PR 4! I don't feel any older than a 3, but maybe they've noticed a maturity that I can't find... lol
I've started hosting a new meme - Meet Me On Monday - I used to participate in this when it was hosted elsewhere, but Java hasn't been to her blog in a while so I decided to take it over... if you do't mind answering semi-personal questions and sharing them with your audience then pop back on Sunday afternoon to see questions I post this week!
I want to pass on my sincere condolences to Mrs. 4444 (the host of FF) and her family - they lost a beloved friend this week when they had to make the difficult decision to put their family dog down.
Well, the house is now so quiet that my bed is calling me - and I can actually hear it... so it must be time for me to sign off and send you to check out all the other little frags running amok at: