5 Question Friday #5QF

Once again, I am sharing a little bit about myself with questions posted by:

1. Will you run to the store or to pick up a kid looking a mess?

Yep... I don't like to, but in a pinch and time is of the essence... I'm a go as you are tirl

2. Do you finish a book if it's boring or you don't like it?

I do when it's for a review, but not if it's just for pleasure... I'll usually keep reading if it's not grabbing me, but if there's something that bugs me - like too many stories or too many leaps I'll just put it down...

3. Beach or mountain vacations?

Not picky!  A vacation is a vacation!!!!

4. What thing/event says "winter will end and spring is right around the corner" to you?

This is a hard question for me living in SC - when I was home in Ontario, it was when I saw my first robin and my first crocuses of the year... now, it really feels like we had no winter at all... so I guess the biggest sign of spring is allergy season.

5. Would you prefer couples or family vacation?

I would love to take a couples vacation - just hubby and me.  I love my kids but having time to reconnect with Wayne would be priceless.