1. Where is your favorite vacation spot and why?
Lately it's been Toronto, only because we get to share the kids with their grandparents and other family members :-) My dream vacation is to do a tour of Europe...
Lately it's been Toronto, only because we get to share the kids with their grandparents and other family members :-) My dream vacation is to do a tour of Europe...
2. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Hmmm... trashy romance novels in a bubble bath with the door locked
3. What is your favorite fashion trend right now? Or, in the past?
Are yoga pants still trendy? They're like my mom-iform... I have black, brown, grey and greyer... I can tell you my least favorite fashion trend though... jeggings..
4. What are your spring break plans?
Well hubby and the kids have different spring breaks so we usually just hang out at home and do some daytrips...
5. What baby names do you hate?
Hate is a strong word... I don't particularly love some of the celebrity baby names like Pilot Inspektor (Jason Lee and Beth Riesgraf) or Moon Unit (Frank Zappa) or Tabooger (Dan Cortese and Dee Dee Hemby) but to each their own...