Well if you're following from last week you know that I spent my last Friday at the Charleston Wine and Food Festival checking out the Grand Tasting Tents... good thing Wayne was driving home because I was happily tipsy after lunching there... I started writing a frag about my adventures there and realized it wasn't a frag at all... it was a full post... so I went ahead and posted it here and now I'm back to wring some real frags out of my sieve of a brain...
Wayne was on Spring Break this week... which means he actually took a whole day and a half off of work... it was nice to have him home, even if it was only for a few extra hours!
He's also been trying to come up with a new meme for us to share - he wants to do a weekly he said/she said meme where you ask your spouse to give an opinion on a topic or question and you write your own opinion too... is it something you'd participate in?
Erik officially learned how to break free from his crib... of course he has to be good and mad to work up the adrenaline to get his foot up to shoulder height to get it over the edge, but he did escape 3 different times this week... so he can when he really wants to...
I'm going to whine about sleep again... why is it that the boys can coordinate schedules.... if one sleeps through the night, the other is up and down like a yo-yo... it's truly remarkable how they can do this!
My parents stopped back for one night on their way home from their cruise... and it turned into two... it was good to see them and even two days wasn't long enough ;-) Good thing they'll be back in May! If you want to check out pics and stories from their travels, you should check out my mom's new blog - retired not tired!
And if I'm touting blogs by family, it's been a while since I mentioned that my brother (and the reason I started blogging in the first place) has a blog at www.markloeffler.com
And of course Wayne blogs at www.waynewsmith.com - but you already know that, right?
Well, pulling two posts out of my brain has taxed it to almost beyond repair, so I'm going to head to bed and wish you all a happy Friday and hope that all your frags are fun!