Both Erik and I have picked up a nasty cold... mine has settled in my throat and his is manifesting itself as a river of runny green snot (sorry for the visuals) ... I'm coughing like there is no tomorrow... the only thing that's keeping me going is diet coke - makes my throat feel better and helps with the coughing... but darn it's also making me wired... and Wayne a little worried about how much pop I'm going through...
Better news! My wonderfully gifted daughter Robyn represented her school at the regional Tabula Digita (DimensionU) games with two of her friends and their team came in FIRST PLACE! They were told that there were prizes for the top three teams but they didn't realize that they'd be walking away with iPad2's! The other team of three from Haut Gap came second and each got an iPod Touch (Robyn was jealous of second place.. but don't tell her... I think she's getting an iPod Touch for her birthday...) Anyone have good contacts to pitch for an iPad or an iPod case?
As for Liam, he's had an entire week of 'Good Day' reports! It looks like the ABA therapy is helping he cope better through the day and it's also increasing the teacher's ability to teach the other children and attend to things... so she's feeling less stressed and everyone is happier!
Wayne has hit crunch time... he's working straight through the weekend to get through this end of term crunch... it's going to be a long weekend for all of us...
I'm sitting here with Erik waiting for him to get sleepy... we're watching an episode of Sesame Street on Netflix (yep - enough of us complained that they kept it on) and Bert and Ernie met an opera singing beaver... and Maria is dancing with a letter D and the number 13... I have to say that someone was 'very creative' or very loaded when they wrote this episode...
I found yesteraday... and I accidently 'lent' out the e-book that I was in the middle of reading - oh well... the worst case scenario is I have to wait 21 days to get it back... hopefully the person who is borrowing it is a speed reader like me... if you check it out and sign up, please use this code ZYXGBOU1 so that I can earn a bonus!
If you haven't heard yet, Wayne and I have started a he said/she said weekend meme... each week we post a question you can answer on your blog and link up ... and we each post our answers too... this week's question is really fun (IMHO) and could make for an interesting discussion... "If there was a movie made about your relationship what would it be called, who would play you and your SO and what would the plot twist be?" - pop back tomorrow to see how we've each answered it...
I've been test driving laptops all week... and I've hit a snag... I want one with keys that the boys can't pop off... but I don't like the feel of any of them when I type... they aren't as responsive as what I'm used to... why oh why can't I find what I want... none of them seem to have been developed by or for moms... anyone know someone who works in laptop design that would want input on my perfect laptop?
Well, it looks like I had more frags running around in the few exhausted brain cells that are still firing... but I'd better not push my luck... I might have a complete neurological arrest if I try to pull out any more ;-) so I'll turn you over to all the other wonderful fraggers at: