1. Tell us a little bit about your blog:
It is a blog that covers all aspects of making a home from the perspective of a wife with a Christian worldview -- from being a wife (to a soldier), raising children, cooking whole food "real food" from scratch, following a Levitical diet, to how to how to make homemade laundry soap, how to garden, or how to get lipstick stains off of a white wall. If it falls into the realm of my personal day-to-day life, I cover it.
2. How long have you been blogging and what do you love about it?
I've been blogging since August 2009. I love the constant ideas with which God inspires me. It's never-ending.
I love the interactions I have with people who read my blog, and the relationships I've developed over the last 2.5 years. I also love the networking with other bloggers that has come out of being a blogger.
3. Who is the person or group behind the blog?
I am the writer, most of the time. My husband, Gregg, is the brains behind the operation. He does all of the technical work, and contributes his own posts on Sundays.
4. What hobbies/interests do you have?
I am a writer of romance novels. I am in the process of publishing my first one, which will be out this month.
I love to cook. I love taking a recipe, and making it out of whole, real foods.
I am an avid studier of the Bible and love digging through it and learning new things.
5. If you could invite 4 people (real or fictional, living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?
Jesus Christ, Moses, George Washington, and my dad. I would LOVE to listen to my husband and my dad converse with those men. I would hope that the dinner would have an infinite time attached to it so that the conversations would never have to end.
I'd serve crown roast of lamb, scalloped potatoes, green beans, salad, homemade whole wheat dinner rolls, and apple pie for dessert.
6. I can’t live without…
God's grace.
7. Something people would be surprised to know about me is…
My past. My tattoos and daughter are about the only evidence remaining of the decisions I made as a teenager. I'm thankful enough for her that it was all worth it, but it was a rough ride there for a while. I don't think I've ever really blogged about it in detail.
8. Three of my favorite blogs to visit are:
Household 6 Diva (http://household6diva.com/) Ann Marie is brilliant. Her photography and her clever, simple way of writing gives you a peak into her world in wonderful ways.
Graceful Abandon (http://gracefulabandon.blogspot.com/) I discovered this blog this past Christmas, when I read Lisa's fictional stories of the "cast" of the nativity - bringing us the birth of Christ from the eyes of everyone from Mary to the shepherds to even King Herod. I fell in love with her beautiful way of presenting prose. Her writing voice is unmatched in the blogging sphere.
Stacy Makes Cents (http://www.stacymakescents.com/): Stacy's family scraped, saved, ate rice & beans, and got debt free on just $50K a year. She is so full of energy and money saving ideas. I get a kick out of her blog on a regular basis. I am actually about to review and giveaway an eBook her husband wrote on getting out of debt and am really looking forward to that.
9. Three of my favorite posts on my blog are :
This is a post about my son, Scott. He was born a 30-week preemie and has been exhibiting some signs of "not normal" behavior: http://www.halleethehomemaker.com/2011/10/seeing-just-the-arrow/
This post was written in a rush after being woken in the middle of the night with the concept: http://www.halleethehomemaker.com/2011/02/brokenness/
This is the post that gives a detailed dive into why we don't eat pork: http://www.halleethehomemaker.com/2010/03/give-a-pig-a-pancake/
Thanks so much for being part of my 9 at 9 Interviews, Hallee! It was so much fun getting to know more about you! Readers, please visit Hallee's blog and if you roam around, please leave a comment or two for her and let her know that you found her blog from 9 at 9!