1. Tell us a little bit about your blog:
My blog is all about ways that you have fun as a family and not to spend alot of money.
My blog is all about ways that you have fun as a family and not to spend alot of money.
2. How long have you been blogging and what do you love about it?
I have been blogging a little over a year. It started as a way to relieve stress but has turned into so much more. I consider my followers my friends and my confidants
I have been blogging a little over a year. It started as a way to relieve stress but has turned into so much more. I consider my followers my friends and my confidants
3. Who is the person or group behind the blog?
I am mom of 3 girls 2 teenagers (16 and 14) and a 10 year old. I work at a local elementary school right now I am the K-2 Interim Music Teacher. I love those Wahlberg boys, Nascar (Tony Stewart and Dale Jr. are my favorites.) I love to craft and volunteer. I have been married to my husband for 17 years. I love all animals we have 2 Brittany Spaniels, 2 fish, 5 chickens, and a Shih Tzu
I am mom of 3 girls 2 teenagers (16 and 14) and a 10 year old. I work at a local elementary school right now I am the K-2 Interim Music Teacher. I love those Wahlberg boys, Nascar (Tony Stewart and Dale Jr. are my favorites.) I love to craft and volunteer. I have been married to my husband for 17 years. I love all animals we have 2 Brittany Spaniels, 2 fish, 5 chickens, and a Shih Tzu
4. What hobbies/interests do you have?
writing (lol) crafting, throwing parties, Nascar, music, reading and watching my girls participate in any activity that they are in. I love to travel and learning to experience new things.
writing (lol) crafting, throwing parties, Nascar, music, reading and watching my girls participate in any activity that they are in. I love to travel and learning to experience new things.
5. If you could invite 4 people (real or fictional, living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?
Donnie and Mark Wahlberg ( something nice to look at) Princess Diana ( I have always admired her) and NKTOB I would serve wahlburgers LOL
Donnie and Mark Wahlberg ( something nice to look at) Princess Diana ( I have always admired her) and NKTOB I would serve wahlburgers LOL
6. I can’t live without… Mt. Dew and Sweet Ice no seriously my family
7. Something people would be surprised to know about me is… I want to have another child.
8. Three of my favorite blogs to visit are (includue urls) :
- Everything and Nothing From Essex http://www.deannajsmith.com/,
- Mommy Does http://mommydoesblog.com/ ,
- The Knit Wit by Shair http://www.theknitwitbyshair.
9. Three of my favorite posts on my blog are (Include urls) :
- http://adventuresfrugalmom.
com/2011/08/graham-crackers- and-corn-flakes.html/, - http://adventuresfrugalmom.
com/2011/08/insightec-cutting- edge-technology.html/, - http://adventuresfrugalmom.
com/2012/02/a-letter-to-my- children.html/
Thanks so much Melissa for taking her turn in the hotseat this week! Once you've checked out her blog, you can also find her hanging out on social media: