Five Question Friday #5QF

It's that time of the week again... where I pour a few minutes into answering Mama M's Questions for Five Question Friday...

1. Who mows your grass?

We have a landscaping service that does our whole community... it's one of the reasons we bought here - Wayne hated cutting our lawn in Pennsylvania

2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house?

No, and I'm so bad about that... I have lots of pictures and a ton of wall space... but I haven't put them together...

3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!)

I've been reading a lot about Autism lately... and one story in particular has touched me... 
I'll be doing a review and Q&A later this month but here is a trailer about the book:

4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year?

I am allergic to chocolate, penicillin and something in the air in the spring... I handle it by avoiding the first two and sneezing through pollen season...

5. What's your go to meal to cook in an hurry?

Pasta or stir fry... I keep both meals in the house for those nights when I don't have a lot of time... I can have both meals on the table in less than 20 minutes... and they are  both complete meals in one dish...

Now that I've shared... head on over to see what everyone else is saying on: