It's a Lenovo IdeaPad... it took a little getting used to because the touch pad is off center, but after a few days it now feels like an old friend..
I am now also the proud owner of my own iPad, I traded with Robyn who wanted an iPod touch instead of the iPad she won... so my blog proceeds bought her new toy and now I have a toy of my own... unfortunately I think Erik is going to think that it's his.
Liam has been getting consistently good reports at school lately. It's been almost a month since we added the ABA therapist and I think it's making a difference to both Liam's stress levels and those of his teacher, who has the opportunity to work with more children or get her own work done because Liam is working with the therapist one on one during quiet time. On that same note, Wayne and I are going to visit what we hope will be Liam's teacher for next year this morning.
I actually got a good night's sleep last night... once Erik finally went to sleep at 11 pm... at least he slept through.
I got my wish too.. after having to put up with temps in the high 80's and humidity we shouldn't have to see until July for the last week, we now have at least one day where the temp will be in the 60's - unfortunately it will rain all day, but I'll take it!
On another fun note, my friend Paige, whose business - West Ashley Wall Art - I featured and did a giveaway for a few months ago made her splash in the local paper with a fun mention in a column called The Savvy Shopper!
Well that's all my fragments for this week ... see what other people's random thoughts are by visiting: