We went strawberry picking yesterday - at least Robyn and I did... both boys decided that they'd rather play dirt farmer... needless to say I had to scrub the tub after their baths yesterday.... but at least they had fun! The strawberries weren't as good as previous years - I'm blaming the hot weather...
I've started planning my next blog event! It's going to be a two week feature about traveling with kids - and it will take place at the end of May and beginning of June - I'm looking for guest posts if anyone is interested - the topic is "Things to do with kids in my hometown, city, state..." and I'm hoping that you can suggest 3-5 great things to do if we were visiting your neck of the woods! Drop me a line if you're willing to write a post for me!
I sometimes get really homesick for Canada... and this week it's been one of those weeks - I miss having family around, especially since it's my grandfather's birthday today:
It also makes me miss obscure things like "Wink" - this is a citrus flavored soda pop that we always had at the cottage every summer... and it's one of those strange things I now equate with home...
The hardest thing about spring break has been that it doesn't coincide with Wayne's break... he's been getting up and heading to work every morning and Liam is still up on schedule too... so I've been getting up at least an hour earlier than normal all week... it definitely makes me love my hubby more to know that he gets up at o'dark thirty everyday and not only gets himself up but gets Liam up and out the door so that I can sleep until after dawn breaks...
Robyn and her friends are famous - their Math team made the local section of our newspaper:
Here is their picture: http://www.postandcourier.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120412/PC1606/120419813/1161&slId=2&template=artpex#pex2 and the article that they were mentioned in: http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20120412/PC1606/120419813/1161&slId=2
Well, I'm late getting my frags up as it is... so please leave a kind comment and then pop over to see what other fragments have fallen at: