1. What do you keep a stock pile of?
2. If Ben & Jerry asked you to invent an ice cream, what would it be?
South Seas Sensation.... It'd be based on Daiquiri Ice (Baskin Robbins flavor) with pineapple and coconut
3. How do you blow off steam?
Long hot soak in the tub!
4. What would you do if you had an hour to yourself anywhere within a ten mile radius of your home...no kids, no hubby, just you?
See #3
5. When you were 16, what was your curfew in the summertime?
I honestly can't remember... probably midnight
And now for Four Fill In Fun:

1. I love a wonderful man named Wayne!
2. If I could travel anywhere I would go on a tour of Europe!
3. When I grow up, I want to remember to take time for fun!
4. the best ice cream I ever ate is Daiquiri Ice from Baskin Robbins with Pineapple Sundae topping... yum!