It's that time of the week where I clear my mind of the sea of fragments floating around in my grey matter... thanks to Mrs. 4444 for providing this outlet!
She did fantastically well in Middle School and was one of only nine students at her school who were named South Carolina Young Scholars...
After graduation the whole graduating class went back in the evening for a dance... here's a pic of Robyn and her boyfriend Daniel looking so pleased to be photographed before they left...
We're leaving for Reviewer's Retreat and our trip home to Canada shortly but I haven't even started packing us ... and we're still waiting on the permanent plates for our minivan... which may delay our trip to Canada by a few days...
I'm looking forward to attending my first blog conference and finally putting IRL faces to so many of my online bloggy friends! Reviewer's Retreat should be a blast!
Wayne has finally started his sabbatical ... he managed not to go into the office two whole days this week... looking forward to spending more time with him
I feel a bit bad for my parents who are visiting for Robyn's graduation.. we've had some pretty poor and darn hot weather while they've been here... not great for heading out exploring...
Hopefully by the time I frag again, we'll be on Canadian soil and enjoying some late spring cooler weather in Ontario... so for now I'll sign off and hope you have a great weekend...
Check out the other fraggers at: