Five Question Friday

Just cause I love to share... here are 5 mores questions that I know you've been dying for me to answer, courtesy of:

1. What's your view on men wearing sandals (yay or nay)?

I'm all for whatever is comfortable... so yay!

2. What song do you love but are embarrassed to admit?

I can't say I'm embarrassed by any of the songs I love, but I do get a little pang of embarrassment when I'm caught singing one of the preschool songs when I'm at the grocery store without the kids...

3. What summer camp should they make for moms? 

As long as it involves spa treatments, someone else to cook and clean and a daycare for the kids... I'm in!

4. What is the most romantic song? 

Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden was our wedding song...

5. Do you have an embarrassing pregnancy story?

Not really...