I'm pleased to invite my friend Yissele from right here in the Charleston area to be the blogger on the hot seat! It's not very often that I can say that I've met my interviewee, but I've been able to hang out at two different breakfast events with her! I hope you enjoy the interview and check out her blog - it has great giveaways and content!

1. Tell us a little bit about your blog:
My blog Mommy Holistic & Great (Mami Holistica y Genial) is about my experiences as a woman, mother and wife with hobbies like cooking, crafts, yoga, meditation, holistic medicine and everything that I like and makes me feel good to share. Now we have giveaways and reviews's products for women, children and families but my inclination and preference is towards natural products, organic and recyclable. Don't forget my Blog is in Spanish but I have Google translate hahaha...
2. How long have you been blogging and what do you love about it?
I'm blogging two years ago but the first year did not count because it was an experiment, research and search into what I really wanted, on August 31 of this year I celebrated my First Anniversary Blog because I remember that time when two years ago I sat back in my desk and I started researching this fabulous Blog world.
3. Who is the person or group behind the blog?
The person behind Mami Holistica y Genial Blog it's me, S. Yissele Gallo, I'm training mother, wife, nurse but don't practice, blogger, dreamy, distracted, loving my life, family, yoga, meditation and Tao. Now teacher and full-time driver. hahaha ... And who is behind the blog is also my family, my little daughter who is my partner and lovely accomplice in all my ideas, and my husband who is my best blog's sponsor. I'm a luck girl, like many bloggers because I have the support of my small family. We need a dog! LOL...
4. What hobbies/interests do you have?
My hobbies are Yoga, meditation, make and paint pottery, crafts, knitting, learn new recipes and cooking, learn different languages also everything that has to do with the Internet, social media, design and I like it a lot.
5. If you could invite 4 people (real or fictional, living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?
I would invite my parents, my sister and brother, they are in different countries and I miss a lot, and I serve a classic lasagna because They love how I prepared.
6. I can’t live without…
...my iPhone, and I talk about this in my second blog post, it's very important for me because I have my calendar, alarms, family and blog's pics, etc, etc... if I forget my iPhone at home I have syndrome obsessive compulsive & ended in shock Hahahaaaa...
7. Something people would be surprised to know about me is…
...that I was obsessive compulsive, perfectionist and controlling but thanks to meditation, yoga and life coach I'm relax and happy. Ahhh I forgot ... I love the HandBags, all types, sizes and colors. ;D
8. Three of my favorite blogs to visit are (includue urls) :
Your Blog: http://www.actingbalanced.com ...I am very happy to know your blog because it was the first Blog neighbor in Charleston. And I like because is very complete and really reflects who you are.
My favorite coupons and sales Blog in Spanish is:
"Cupones para Nosotras" http://www. cuponesparanosotras.com
My favorite Blog from Czech Republic "Somethime is hard's to be a women"http://www.nustadelperu.com is in Spanglish and it's so funny.
9. Three of my favorite posts on my blog are (Include URLs):
My First favorite blog post was my second post "I can't live without my iPhone..." (No puedo vivir sin mi iPhone...) is my favorite post because it's very simple but have memories of that time. http://www. mamiholisticaygenial.com/2010/ 09/no-puedo-vivir-sin-mi- iphone.html
My second favorite post is when my little girl was to a yoga camp and years before I had a yoga workshop for children's classes and I applied what we learned in this post. "Yoga is also for children"http://www. mamiholisticaygenial.com/2011/ 07/el-yoga-para-ninos_02.html
The third favorite post of my blog is: "Celebrating our First Anniversary with Giveaway of VIVE MEJOR & PANTENE Products" was last August 31 and had a nice giveaway for my followers. It's a special post for me. http://www. mamiholisticaygenial.com/2012/ 09/festejando-nuestro-primer- aniversario.html
You can also find S. Yissele Gallo and MAMI HOLĂSTICA Y GENIAL'S BLOG hanging out on the web:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MamiHolisticayG @MamiHolisticayG Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/mamiholisticayg/ Stumbleupon: http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/ Mamiholisticayg