Wayne's frags will appear later than usual because he's out for a double header guys night... C of C Basketball then out to a movie ... going to be a late night for him... he's out way past his bedtime.
Liam is doing better with his potty training - we've discovered his secret... M&M's - if we hold them hostage and only give them when he tries to use the facilities, he's much more receptive about stopping what he's doing and heading to 'the head'. Hopefully he can be fully trained by the new year!
Robyn is looking forward to Thanksgiving break, if only so she can sleep in for an entire week... yep this year our school board is trying something new and the kids are getting a 5 day vacation from school... (lucky mom)
Erik is talking a lot more - and he got a clean bill of health from the ENT and a referral for a hearing test in six months just to be sure... our pedi had noticed enlarged tonsils on him, and combined with his snoring, we thought it would be a good idea to get a baseline... now we'll have something to compare for next year...
Erik is also currently obsessed with 'George' - Curious George to be precise... I know every kid goes through stages, but this one is starting to truly grate on my nerves... then again, it's better than Barney...
As for me, I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and doing a little Black Friday shopping, although I have most of Christmas taken care of already... and I did rant about how much BF is encroaching on Thanksgiving here - so I will not be going out shopping until Friday - for sure!
I also got a chance to see the trailer for OZ, The Great and Powerful... and here it is:
and with LINCOLN opening in theatres everywhere TODAY, you can now go behind-the-scenes of the movie with this exclusive interactive book “Lincoln: Discover the Story.” See how a crucial time in America's history was recreated and brought to the screen with beautiful photos, art, interviews, music and more! Available for now for FREE download for the iPad: http://bit.ly/QbEVRP
Well, I'm off to make sure all the kids are tucked into bed and try catch a few zzz's myself so I turn you over to the capable fragmented world of: