Proven Safe for Your Plumbing'
Ever wonder what happens to your toilet paper when it’s flushed? Well Charmin created this video and evaluates its toilet paper to ensure that it is safe for all the places it might end up after flushing (drain lines, sewers, septic tanks, and municipal wastewater treatment plants). Extensive tests show that when Charmin is used as intended in a properly functioning plumbing system, it shouldn’t cause plumbing problems. In fact, Charmin has been a reliable bath tissue, trusted in millions of Americans’ homes, for over 70 years.
- Charmin Basic 1 roll
- Febreze Candle sample
- Febreze NOTICEable sample
- $10 CVS Gift Card
Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Procter & Gamble provided the prize for this contest, as well as provided a package to Acting Balanced for this consideration.