All of our decisions worked this time... the kids were excellent, the drive was easy and mostly hassle free, and we even managed to arrive at the border with only one car ahead of us... and that car was pulling away from the checkpoint... definitely the fastest trip through the border we've ever experienced...
Of course, it means a few days of acclimatizing - especially since we left weather in the high 60's for freezing temps... but the warmth of family is worth braving the cold outside...
Now that we're here I'm enjoying a hot cup of tea and some yummy whipped shortbread that my mom made..
You can check out the recipe here - so easy to make... so yummy to eat!
I am looking so forward to visiting with family and friends - it's been six years since we've been home for Christmas... I joked with Robyn as we came into Toronto that we could go to the beach for Christmas -- but I'm not sure she'd want to continue her swimming tradition on Lake Ontario...
Maybe just a toe this year...
Well, I'm totally wiped from our exciting 36 hours... so I'll turn you over to the rest of the Friday Fraggers hanging out with: