We're having dinner at my brother and sister-in-law's house, then heading back to my in-laws to settle the kids in hopes that St. Nicholas will arrive. We also are NORAD Santa Tracker addicts, so we'll probably track Santa with the kids all day!
2. What is one thing you are not?
An efficient housewife - I hate cleaning and it's a low priority...
3. Fudge-are you a fan? Your favorite flavor?
Big fan - allergic to chocolate so favorite flavors are butter pecan and vanilla!
4. Did you attend any craft/vendor fairs in the month of December? Do you prefer homemade goodies or the more professional stalls? Are you giving any homemade gifts this year?
I went to one vendor fair at a friend's house this year - I usually go to more, but it's just been crazy busy this year! I am not giving homemade gifts this year, but I often do.
5. What's your favorite type of holiday gathering?
Casual, fun and focused on friendship and the kids!
6. We're approaching a new year...what's going to be different in 2013?
We'll all be older and hopefully wiser...
7. Share a favorite scripture, quote, saying, or song lyric relating to peace.
“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” Martin Luther King
8. Hoping that we made the right decision to travel a day early in trying to beat the potential effects of Winter Storm Draco on our journey... good wishes for our 2 day drive are appreciated.