1. Flu mist? Flu shot? Or take your chances?
I take my chances...
2. Do your kids have iPads? What are some good educational apps? Price?
We have two family iPads that the kids think they own... most of our apps are preschool age - I love the A-Z with Moose and Zee app for Erik (Free) and Liam really likes the Super Why App - it was $3.99
3. What are your favorite boy/girl baby names?
I'm partial to Liam and Erik as boys names and if I'd been naming Girls they would have been Ursula and Rebecca
4. If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, which apple do you choose to eat? (red/green, gala, red delicious...)
Granny Smith
5. What is your favorite place to escape to for peace & quiet, to think? Why
My bathtub... with a nice steaming tub and a glass of wine... soak away my cares and the door has a lock!