This week was a week of strange Facebook statuses on my part... here's one from yesterday
"Gotta love getting this text from Liam's teacher this morning: Liam came off the bus with one shoe... can you drop off a new pair? Luckily I had an extra pair in the car with me so I didn't have to come all the way home after driving Robyn to school..."
"Update to the shoe incident from this morning... it appears that Liam got ON the school bus minus one shoe... at least the shoes have been reunited ... Daddy will be doing a morning shoe check from now on..."
- On a related note: Wayne does an excellent job of getting Liam up and out the door - he makes three lunches and also has to deal with the surly teenager, but he's now added an official shoe check to his morning routine... (and yes I did just rip off one of his FF things... sue me
It's been tough getting used to the new schedule for this semester - Wayne is back to work after his sabbatical and he's teaching four nights a week, which makes it tough for him to see the kids since they're asleep before he gets home... just means that our weekends will be more precious...
The other tough thing has been that I am now doing the school pick up run - Liam gets picked up at 2:45 and we need to meet Robyn's bus at about 3:45 PM - not long enough to go home... but too long to stay in the car... it's been an interesting adjustment... and I've forked out $$ for french fries...
I think the hardest thing about Wayne heading back to work is this:
I actually went and hid in the bathroom for almost 10 minutes when I got home from the school run, just because I could ... Robyn was there to supervise the boys and put the groceries away and I wanted to have a few minutes to myself before the boys worked themselves back up into a frenzy...
Well I've whined enough for one day... I'm sure there are much better frags floating around in the blogosphere... all waiting to be caught at: