1. Tell us a little bit about your blog:
I blog about tidbits of experiences from our life. I also do a WIDE range of product reviews and giveaways. There are also times when I write about off the wall stuff, but it's not that often.
2. How long have you been blogging and what do you love about it?
I've been officially blogging for almost a full year on this site. However, I did blog on Sparkpeople.com for a while too. Honestly, I love to write. I also love the amazing people that I've met since I've started blogging.
3. Who is the person or group behind the blog?
I do the vast majority of the writing for the blog. I do accept guest posts from time to time as well. My husband even has me blog some of the things he comes up with as well.
4. What hobbies/interests do you have?
I am an avid reader (hence, the book reviews every Sunday.) I also love watching new release movies (hence, the movie reviews on Tuesdays.) I enjoy video games. I totally love long walks and riding my bike with my family and friends.
5. If you could invite 4 people (real or fictional, living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?
Mrs. Ordell, my 2nd fifth grade teacher, Ms. Sarah Jones, Mrs. Nancy Countryman, and D.G. Varner all because these people have had the biggest impact on my life in helping me stay on track and overcome all the hardships in my life. I'd serve them all their favorite top of the line meals that I money could buy in appreciation for all they've done for me.
6. I can’t live without… my family and the Internet.
7. Something people would be surprised to know about me is…gymnastics is a sport that I totally loved growing up and dream of being able to do it again.
8. Three of my favorite blogs to visit are :
9. Three of my favorite posts on my blog are :
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Crystal! For those of you who like to check people out on Social Media, you can also check out:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Tidbitsofexperi
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/ tidofexperience
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ crystal-green/20/823/23a
And don't forget - if you want to be featured in the future, just email me at heather@actingbalanced.com for the details!
And don't forget - if you want to be featured in the future, just email me at heather@actingbalanced.com for the details!