Heather needed a pinch hitter today - so here goes...
- Wayne & I celebrated 15 years of marriage. He got me a nice new style iPad travel bag (which needs more color), cool wine glasses that have the Charleston skyline etched into them (but no wine) and Chinese food (that he forgot to order re-fried rice). I got him nothing. That seems fair and equitable. *-Heather says she is going to get me something but she just has not done it yet.
- On a related note: Wayne always says that I find something to criticize him about when he buys me gifts. Don't know where he gets that idea from...
- Can someone please tell me how to get children to sleep through the night? Between the two boys it is worse than when they were newborns lately.
- On a related note: Good thing Wayne doesn't mind getting up at 3:00 AM and then going to work all day only to come home to child care and cleaning. It keeps him productive. * - Heather says: I was up from 11:30 until 3:30...
- We are packing up this weekend for our bi-annual pilgrimage to Canada. I am excited about this trip. My parents have a big anniversary celebration, I get to meet my new nephew Thomas, and there is even a baby shower to attend.
- On a related note: Wayne is headed to China for two weeks. He is flying in and out of Buffalo so that he can help with the drive and the kids. We could have had a romantic night together upon his return but I want to hang with some old highschool friends that I have not seen in at least a decade instead. *Heather says - We have moved the friends thing but we now have a family obligation - so it was not going to happen anyways.
- On a related - related note: Why do I get a sense that I should have written these fragments myself?