Friday Fragments
Thanks to Mrs. 4444s for hosting Friday Fragments...
- W. - You'll notice that Heather's blog has been invaded by me lately. We kind of decided to share some blog space. I am not sure if Heather like the idea but I think it is nice that we can share this hobby.
- H - I really don't mind... but it means that the blog needs an overhaul... the debate is on... just a redesign in blogger or making the leap to WP and a whole new shebang...
- W - School starts next week. I have been getting classes ready but between moving offices, trying to finish up summer projects and just keeping normal everyday work under control - life at work is going 100 miles an hour.
- H - It would be nice to say that Wayne has had time to be home, but he took on a lot this summer and the kids and I appreciate just how much he's done... and still has to do to get ready for next week...
- W - I am sure Heather is quite upset that the kids go back to school next week.
- H - Yep, I plan to drown my sorrow in a glass of celebratory champagne... but I can't really celebrate until Erik starts preschool in September... so it will just be that glass
- H - I said something today that I never dreamed I would need to say to my two year old son - "We don't eat lipstick" ... to be fair it was actually flavored lip gloss, but still...
- W - He then kicked me in the nads and laughed about it saying 'I got you daddy.' Yeah, you 'won' that one.
- W - The kids need to go back to school. They need the structure that comes with it. The more I think about it, the more I become a believer in year-round schooling.
- I totally agree with you... especially for Liam - he'd do much better with 4 semesters and 3 week breaks... but there are so few schools that offer that in SC and I do truly love the class and school he's in now... it would be a really tough choice...
- H - Okay, one more thing... Erik has a new obsession ... Band-aids... and he'd be covered head to toe if I didn't insist on seeing blood before giving him a band-aid for his owie... the latest request came while crying because he bit his tongue... yep he wanted a band-aid for his tongue..
- W - On a related note, Heather refuses to kiss better a certain area mentioned above...
- H - Rebuttal - there are children present ;-)